A morning like everyother morning, or....
Så så så sent höll jag på att komma idag, kom sedan på att tentan var framflyttad från 9 till klockan två. Tänkt er, klockan 14-19 sitter jag med en tenta. Tur att man har en familj som kan ställa upp med passning, även om det kom i sista minuten. Emmah höll på att börja gråta när jag lämnade henne, den stackaren. Hon sa hejdå, men när jag sedan skulle gå sprang hon efter mig och ville säga hejdå igen, såg då att hon grät men inte ville visa det. Jag önskar verkligen att jag hade mer tid med henne, och mer pengar att kunna göra saker med. Vet att vissa tänker hurtigt nu att det inte behöver kosta något att göra saker, men tänk på bensinen? eller om jag tänkte leka och köpa lera med henne? Mina kära vänner, ALLT kostar i dagens samhälle, till och med saker som är gratis kostar. Det är bara en stor cirkel, och det är riktigt svårt att ta sig ur den.
I was almost so so so late today, until I remember that my test was moved forward from 9 to 2. Imagine, from 14-19 im stuck with my test. Lucky I have a family that helps me with babysitting, even if I told them like last minute. Emmah started to cry when I left her at daycare today, the poor thing. She said good bye, but when I was about to leave she run after me and wanted to say goodbye againg, then I saw that she cryied but didnt wanted to show it. I really wish I had more time with her, and more money to do stuff with her. I know that some of you are now thinking that it dosent have to cost anything to play with her, but think about the gas= or if I want to play with playdoo and want to but that for her. My dear friends, EVERYTHING have a price in todays society, even things that dosent cost. Its a big circle and its really hard to get out of it.
Nu ska jag vidare, stall, plugg, test, ja allt. Skriver mer efter 7 idag. Om jag nu får göra tentan vill säga.
I have to go now, the stable, studying, test, yea everything. Writes more after 7 today. If I can do the test of course.
I was almost so so so late today, until I remember that my test was moved forward from 9 to 2. Imagine, from 14-19 im stuck with my test. Lucky I have a family that helps me with babysitting, even if I told them like last minute. Emmah started to cry when I left her at daycare today, the poor thing. She said good bye, but when I was about to leave she run after me and wanted to say goodbye againg, then I saw that she cryied but didnt wanted to show it. I really wish I had more time with her, and more money to do stuff with her. I know that some of you are now thinking that it dosent have to cost anything to play with her, but think about the gas= or if I want to play with playdoo and want to but that for her. My dear friends, EVERYTHING have a price in todays society, even things that dosent cost. Its a big circle and its really hard to get out of it.
Nu ska jag vidare, stall, plugg, test, ja allt. Skriver mer efter 7 idag. Om jag nu får göra tentan vill säga.
I have to go now, the stable, studying, test, yea everything. Writes more after 7 today. If I can do the test of course.