Today I look like...

Its really foggy outside, and it was alot of ice on the car, hate that, specially when youre in a hurry.
What a difference on me, saturday and today. I think you can see by yourself witch pics is today, and witch picture is


Its funny on thing a thought about, in swedish, kiss is puss. Puss (y) is something else in english and kiss (a) is pie in swedish. Only one letter more, and the words means something totally different in our contries.

I know my english isnt the best, but, heyy, Im trying and Im getting better. :) At least I can make my self clear in two different languages:)
I just need to learn Emmah some english, Im going to travel alot with her so...:)

Sv, Jag hoppas ni förstår, för jag orkar inte skriva det på svenska just nu:)

Hugs and kisses

Postat av: Madde

Rebecca, kan jag itne få lite av ditt hår?! :D Det är så sjukt snyggt!

2009-01-15 @ 15:27:42

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