Pictures from Gambia/Africa

Ok, I wasnt there, but my sister and brother, my mum and her husband Morgan.. so you dint think I was there

In the pic, mum, morgan and Thess

Man and Donkey

Someones house, but they are smiling.

Market place, not the usual market place for turists

Beach, if you didnt get that

My brother Eric, and my sister Thess

I thing you can see what that is

waow, what a difference..and is he checking in her..... ? I think you know what I mean

Market place, looks healthy

Pool area

Could life be better than that?

Tree, or palm
(om det heter palm på engelska också)

Flowers and stuff

Thess, Eric in a blue something and my mum

They had so much more pictures, but I have other stuff to do now, soon Im leaving:)


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